ROWEZ constantly seeks possibilities to improve the quality of its products and the service to medical fraternity.

ROWEZ LIFE SCIENCES, a pharmaceutical company established in the year 2008, has become a name to be reckoned with in the pharmaceutical industry in South India.

It was the fulfillment of dreams of the promoters who embarked on a journey with the backing of their rich and successful experience in leading pharma companies in various hierarchical echelons. They had seen through the evolution in the pharma industry for many years. Their burning enthusiasm, coupled with an optimistic marketing strategy and sound financial backing leveraged the company to fast growth.

With quality products, which stood to satisfy the medical profession’s quality expectation, the company could tread on with leaps and bounds. We humbly slate down our gratitude for all our generously patronizing doctors in our journey to success.

Thereon, some of our brands have grown to brand leadership and also many of them have become the preferred choice of the doctor community.

The large group of committed and trained employees who joined us from time to time have taken the baton to go forth in the race to recognition.

Having fulfilled several lakhs of fatherhood aspirations in male infertility - QUANTUS 100

QUANTUS 300 reaches out to aspirant mothers undergoing infertility treatment, providing them successful pregnancies, thus fulfilling their dreams.

RIMROZ puts a gratifying smile on the faces of women who suffered from PMS, Mastalgia or Menopause.