About Us

About Us


Rowez is one of the most respected and regarded among the fast growing pharmaceutical companies in the new generation segment. It has registered its indelible imprints in the chosen segments by its classic products that have even become brand leaders in their area of operation.

Rowez Life Sciences Pvt Ltd is head quartered in Kochi, Kerala in India and has its enviable presence in the southern  states of India.

Rowez has expanded to a new division and looks forward to expanding its operations by starting newer divisions and more products with a view to grow with vertical and lateral integration. Our aim to cover more states of India is likely to happen soon.

Rowez is a company with sound resources of professional expertise and rich experience in its promoters and appointed talents and is backed by strong financial stability. 

Rowez Life Sciences Pvt Ltd stands as a synonym to business decency with highly positive attitude towards its external and internal customers. Business ethics and values are held high with compliance to all the required statutes and natural justice. A good HR trend is followed by developing and nurturing our appointed talents and a mutually gratifying relationship is maintained with all including those who have left the company due to some reasons.

The Mission

The mission of ROWEZ is to offer quality pharmaceutical products and committed service to medical community.

Stringent measures are adopted to ensure quality of products provided by Rowez. High quality API, WHO GMP certified facilities, and quality assurance of each batch by testing in NABL accredited laboratories are ensured. Rowez Life Sciences is associated with leading manufacturers in India like Akums Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd,  Swiss Garnier Life Sciences, Marine Life Sciences, Sanzyme (P) Ltd , to name a few. Our products are manufactured in highly sophisticated state-of-art facilities that have earned laurels and excellence awards.

The Vision

Our vision is to emerge as one of the most respected pharmaceutical manufacturing and marketing companies in India.

We are wow bound to create state-of-art quality products and exemplary service to medical profession and customers. Rowez earns respect as promoters of high quality products and services and grows on trust of all our stakeholders.

Our Responsibility

ROWEZ upholds the ideal of responsibility by being genuinely interested in the well-being of all associated with it.

The prime consideration and commitment is to the doctors and thereby the patients. Extreme care has been practiced in bringing high quality and affordable medicines and providing the best of services to the customers. Products are manufactured at state-of-art facilities with accredited with GMP compliance and various other accreditations and award winning excellence. Ensuring meticulous storage and transport of cold chain products and abiding by all regulations associated with it.

ROWEZ’s success partners, their stockists and retailers are given the best assistance and service by prompt supply of products and serving with early settlement of claims etc.

The internal customers, the employees are well trained and empowered to discharge their responsibility towards the customer-doctors, the patients and at large to the society.

ISO 9001:2008 certified company

Sourced from GMP Certified manufacturing facilities

Member of American Society for Reproductive Medicine